Generative AI Revolutionizes Manufacturing Design Workflows

Generative AI is transforming manufacturing design workflows, offering innovative solutions and reducing time and costs, according to NVIDIA's insights. (Read More)Source link

Sei Labs Unveils 5 Gigagas Throughput via Autobahn Consensus

Sei Labs achieves a significant milestone with 5 gigagas throughput on a 40-node network, leveraging the Autobahn consensus protocol to enhance blockchain scalability. (Read More)Source link

NVIDIA’s AI Platform Enhances ASL Learning Experience

NVIDIA collaborates on an AI-driven platform, Signs, to advance American Sign Language learning and development, bridging communication gaps between deaf and hearing communities. (Read More)Source link

Gala Games Introduces Hearton to VEXI Villages

Gala Games unveils Hearton, a limited-edition character in VEXI Villages, featuring a unique heart-shaped design. Only 200 units available, enhancing the gaming experience. (Read More)Source link

Mask Network’s Strategic Upgrade: Unveiling Firefly, Next.ID Spin-offs

Mask Network announces a significant restructuring, spinning off Firefly and Next.ID under MaskDAO to enhance decentralized social network growth. (Read More)Source link