Rated: PG
Genres: Adventure, Sci-Fi
Stars: Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis, Leslie Nielsen
A starship crew in the 23rd century goes to investigate the silence of a distant planet’s colony, only to find just two survivors, a powerful robot, and the deadly secret of a lost civilization.
When Commander Adams and his crew are sent to investigate why there were no communications from a previous mission to a planet explored 20 years earlier by scientists, he finds only two survivors, Dr. Morbius and his daughter. Unknown to Adams, Morbius has made a discovery, a discovery of great power, and has no intention of sharing it with anyone. — huutheheckcares
Director: Fred M. Wilcox
Writers: Cyril Hume, Irving Block, Allen Adler
Production company: Loew’s
More info on IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0049223/